Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Science has done it again!

A brand new 3D microscope has been invented! We can now view cells and things like embryos in 3D! This is absolutely outstanding! Even though we don’t know for sure what practical uses this thing will be used for, I’m 100% sure without a doubt it will have a huge impact on research and the development of our species.

This is such a huge step. Humans could use this microscope to analyze how disease cells replicate, and figure out how to combat them. We could study human embryos while developing if there was suspicion of deformities, and figure out how to remedy that. What I feel to be the most important though, is the ability to study stem cells more. If we were able to study how stem cells replicated and decided what they were going to be, maybe we could find a way to reverse the process and turn, for example, a hair cell back into a stem cell. Then we could use this to grow replacement organs, or fix damaged ones.

This is going to be completely revolutionary once it gets going. I’m sure that this device is extraordinarily expensive, but once we can use this for practical things, we can advance the human race by leaps and bounds. While I do believe this is a huge step, we also have to be careful. There could be things that we can’t handle as a species yet, and that may be hidden within this new ability. I believe we need to solve our current debates and issues, work on preventing any further problems, and then start research and advancements using this. For now, we should just use it for more pressing things, things that could help us right now. Stem cells, vaccination progression, things of that nature should be top priority. 

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Pirate Bay is Back

I'm laughing at this honestly.You can't stop something like the Pirate Bay, let alone pirating as a thing. No matter how hard you try, it will always exist. To an extent, I don't really have a problem with pirating - especially with the reactions that people give to pirating. You can't sit there and complain that people are stealing from artists, when millions of people are throwing money at them continuously, and this money is, let's face it, outrageous. Then these artists also make money from things like Youtube and concerts and what-not. So let's be real, they don't need 100% of all analyzed profit. Now do I believe all pirating is okay? no definitely not. For example, pirating video games has it's limits in my eyes. I think it is okay should it be used as a demo for trying the game out, playing it if you don't think that you would like it, or if you can play it on your current system. I do believe that one should purchase the game afterwards though, to support the developers if you would want to see more of their content. I think similar goes for music artists, pirating a little bit of an album then buying the full thing if you enjoyed what you sampled. I have nothing against the laws opposing piracy, I don't think nearly as much effort should be put into trying to stop it. It won't work, ever. It's just like trying to take down porn from the internet. It's so pointlessly futile to even try, you could be using that money on better things, instead of trying to do something that's pointless to begin with. On that note, the government trying to control the internet was a stupid attempt too. You will never be able to stop the population from accessing the internet how they want. The best of the best will never take a side, so they wouldn't help the government, meaning that the best could easily divert the attempts to control anything on the internet. You would have to completely shut the internet off from the United States and that's probably the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Ever.
Link to story about Pirate Bay here.

Cop shoots neighbor's dog and gets off scott-free

Alright look. Bottom line, there is no proof that this dog killed the cat, so therefore no law should protect the police officer who murdered the dog. This shouldn't be a problem...at all...this man should be charged with something. He shouldn't get off at all, there's no two ways you can go about this. I understand the anger and the frustration that he and his wife may feel, but it straight up should not be a problem. It's stuff like this that gives everyone a reason to have a negative bias towards police officers, especially in light of reason events in the United States. I get it, police can be corrupt. I agree one hundred percent, but there's a cold hard truth that humans need to recognize, and it is the fact that all humans are greedy and self centered. Now you'll sit there and you'll try to argue with me that you aren't nearly as self centered or as greedy as others, and to that I say it's true. But what you can't tell me is that it doesn't exist. You could give me any example of any person's act of selflessness and/or greed, and with enough background information I will be able to prove that the person did not act in purity. It may appear that way, and one's brain may also let them think that, but the truth of the matter is that everyone is greedy and self-centered. So, now that the wake-up slap has been administered to the readers of this fine post, I will state again - cops can be corrupt. Humans are corrupt. Our corruptness is directed towards the negative end of the spectrum. I'll use this incident as an example. This police officer was set free based on a claim that has virtually no proof, and why? To avoid backlash is the most obvious reason to me. They know that they will be able to through the whole event with little to no reaction from the public. Oh would you look at that, they did. The problem with that, is that they should have their selfishness be channeled into saving themselves or their reputation, maybe even bettering it. Instead, these people are letting this officer get off free and have another tick of police corruptness be added to the chart. You'll have to look at this in a much grander karma scale to actually see why this should matter, if what I've been saying about the whole human greed and selfishness is true.
Story here.

Ferguson P4

Part 4
Here I am going to simply continue supporting my opinions and beliefs regarding the Michael Brown case in Ferguson. If you haven’t read Part 1, 2 and 3 please do so before reading this one.

Wilson's story of what happened that day changed at least 3 times. Another piece of information that has been left out was the fact that 6 eye witnesses all have identical accounts of what happened, and four of them had never met each other. These witnesses were also never interviewed by the police.
These eyewitness all agree that Darren Wilson was the aggressor and that Mike Brown was shot while surrendering, with his hands in the air and that his last words were "I don't have a gun. Stop shooting."
This is also backed up by the autopsy report, which suggests that Mike Brown would have had to be in the hands-up position for the bullets to enter his hand and arm the way  they did.

Next, in a press conference, the coroner who performed the autopsy relays that there was no trace of gun-shot residue anywhere on his body, proving that Wilson's claim that Brown grabbed his gun, causing it to misfire, is impossible and untrue.

Here's another shocking point - Ferguson Police lied about the distance Brown was from Wilson when he was killed. They reported 35 ft. but it was actually 148 ft.

For those who think that Brown was reported as having stolen cigars, the owner of the Ferguson Market stated that he did not call police to report a theft of cigars, and that the theft had nothing to do with Mike Brown. On top of that, the man on the security footage is not Mike Brown.

Finally, the thing that frustrates me more than anything - the prosecuting attorney for the case against Darren Wilson helped raise $600,000 in donations for Wilson. VERY OBVIOUS CONFLICT OF INTEREST.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Ferguson P3

Ferguson Part 3
Here I am going to simply continue supporting my opinions and beliefs regarding the Michael Brown case in Ferguson. If you haven’t read Part 1 and 2, please do so before reading this one.
For any of those under the impression that Brown was not fleeing from Wilson when he was shot, Wilson confirms, on page 281 of the testimony, that Brown WAS fleeing when receiving the fatal bullet.  
For any of those who are under the impression that Brown was attempting to take the gun when shot at least one time, the autopsy report states that no gunpowder was present on Brown’s body. Therefore, he was not shot at close range.
The amount of protocols broken is absolutely astounding.
Ferguson Police ignored protocol and refused to interview or take a statement from the eyewitness present from Wilson’s initial contact with Brown, until his death.
Forensic examiner broke protocol by failing to take crime scene photos. On page 95 of the grand jury transcript, she claims that her camera had died. BUT she goes on to describe how she immediately followed Wilson to the hospital in order to photograph his “injuries.” Please, if you haven’t seen the “injury” photos, go google them. What passes for an injury these days according to the law is pathetic. They speak for themselves.
Then the investigators broke protocol by failing to test Wilson’s gun for fingerprints since Wilson claims that Brown grabbed his gun and caused it to misfire. Page 39.
THEN Wilson was allowed to break protocol by washing blood off of himself BEFORE it could be photographed. There goes any attempt to analyze blood spatter patterns to determine position, but I guess that isn’t important to the situation, right?
For now, that’s all I’m going to say. I’ll most likely be back next week with more defensive evidence for Mike Brown.

Ferguson P2

Ferguson Part 2
Here I am going to simply continue supporting my opinions and beliefs regarding the Michael Brown case in Ferguson. If you haven’t read Part 1, please do so before reading this one.

Did Wilson have the right to shoot Mike Brown. I know that I said I didn’t think so, but in reality I am 100% certain there was no reason for a gun to be involved at all.
Firstly, Mike Brown and Darren Wilson are the same size. In the grand jury transcript, page 198, Wilson states that he is 6 ft. 4 and weighs 210lbs, roughly the same size as Brown. That immediately defeats the possible argument of “Well maybe the officer needed it in order to ‘level’ the odds.” I have had that said to me in a conversation regarding this event, and I cannot even fathom that it was said at all. A gun in our reality doesn’t “level” anything unless there is a gun pointed at someone. A gun should be the absolute last resort, not as a means of evening out a situation.
For whatever reason, Brown started fleeing. Unsure of why, if was a valid reason, I cannot say. For the purpose of me being able to defeat any point a supporter of Darren Wilson could have to this, I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt and say that Brown just started running, giving him a reason to stop him (fleeing from a police officer).
Wilson broke police self-defense protocol. It teaches to disarm and incapacitate the target rather than kill them, as well as teaching officers to go for body shots. Wilson shot Mike Brown twice in the head, after shooting him four times in his arm and torso.

Seriously? Do I even need to explain how I feel about this? Wilson you shot a man, who was unarmed, as he was running away from you. That is already pretty bad, but not only that, you break the self-defense protocol which should have been you’re only mean of defense in court.

Grand Jury Transcript : http://www.documentcloud.org/documents/1370494-grand-jury-volume-5.html 

Ferguson P1

Ferguson Part 1

If you haven’t heard of what happened in Ferguson, Missouri regarding Michael Brown – you must live under a rock. I have nothing more to say about that.
So I’m going to express my views briefly here. It is in my opinion that this entire situation shouldn’t have happened, and the confrontation was purely because of race. There is no doubt in my mind at all that this is entirely because Wilson is racist. Extremely so.  Did he have the right to shoot Mike – I don’t think so, and I’ll explain my thoughts later in the post.  Was the Grand Jury’s decision right? With the evidence given to them, partially. I believe that Darren Wilson should not have gotten off basically scot-free. In no world is that the answer to a situation like this. I also don’t think that any of the attention that the media has given the whole ordeal is in the right.
“The confrontation was purely because of race.” I will stand by this statement with my life.
The previous police department that Officer Wilson worked for was disbanded from multiple instances of racial profiling.
Source : http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/darren-wilsons-first-job-was-on-a-troubled-police-force-disbanded-by-authorities/2014/08/23/1ac796f0-2a45-11e4-8593-da634b334390_story.html?wpmk=MK0000203
There’s the evidence that at the very least Wilson was surrounded by racists, if he himself wasn’t also racist, which he probably was, although I cannot prove that his previous precinct caused that.
Mike wasn’t stopped because of suspect for a crime, that’s not true at all. He was stopped for jaywalking with his friend. This can be seen in the Grand Jury testimony of Darren Wilson, page 208 (link at the bottom). Let’s be real here, what cop honestly will stop someone for jaywalking. I’m 100% certain everyone in the United States has, or will, jaywalk. That is virtually undeniable; people do it all the time.  So why would Darren Wilson choose to stop Mike and his friend for jaywalking? My belief is because Wilson just wanted a reason to give Mike a hard time, or in other words: Wilson was looking to express his racism.
Grand Jury Report of the Michael Brown case:


Sunday, December 7, 2014

New Fantastic Recycling

So it has now been stated that old worn out laptop batteries are more cost efficient in 3rd world countries.
GREAT! I love it. We can now cut down on a good portion of e-waste and save money, allowing us to spend it in on more pressing matters, such as helping said 3rd world countries out of their current predicaments. This could do more than just putting money in a better place, this could help create money sources as well. If these parts of countries are now able to join the power grid, that means that we can set up minor industrialized work places, those that can be run on minor electricity. Or now you can increase the efficiency and potential of existing businesses in these areas by using the power and money to improve their products and work rates.
It's astounding what we can recycle and find new ways to reuse, and I think that if we gave the common" person a little more opportunity to help solve things like wasted and how to improve recycling, we would get a lot more done. There are a ton of creative people out in the world, and they're already doing small things in their lives. As a society we could learn a lot from each other and use this new found creative knowledge to help benefit the world considering we're in a pretty bad global state of decay right now. Maybe more of these new creative recycling ideas will pop up and help jump start more people into helping share their ideas/practices that help with situations such as this one.

Solar Energy Improves

Solar energy gets more efficient! Hooray! It has recently been improved to 40%, and while I don't know what the original conversion was, I'm extremely excited for this. Even if it's a small step, this means that we are nearing a less polluted existence. Theoretically after maximizing the efficiency of renewable energy conversions we should be able to completely drop off from the market.
Even though that sounds all great and what not, yay no more world pollution, I don't think fossil fuels should completely drop off the face of the earth. I still believe we should have them around but find another use for them, so that we can utilize as much of what's given to us as a species.
I also think we can't just ignore fossil fuels because the world would lose so many jobs and job opportunities from the change that it would do more harm than good. Things like vehicles would have to take time to adapt to the energy changes as well, but overall I think this is a really great improvement and a small step forward in energy.

Suicidal Man Jumps at Crowd's Urging

Recently a man has jumped off of a building due to a crowd's chants of "Jump, jump, jump." Absolutely disgusted in every possible way. One should never tell someone to kill themselves, ever. This man was reciting bible verses. If someone is up multiple stories of a building reciting religious things, chances are there is something really bad going on. Normally that doesn't happen, why would you ever tell this person to jump.
Suicide is already a big problem in the world right now, we shouldn't promote it in any sense, joking or not. I know that a lot of people regardless of background or age joke about suicide. It's no laughing matter. In my opinion it should be treated equally as talking about the horrors of human history. WWI and WWII aren't joking matters and are taken very seriously, at least in the United States (although I can't imagine it getting any better in another country). People don't just go around talking about the world wars, and you certainly shouldn't go around just talking about suicide like it's no big deal because it is, regardless of what anyone says. Now do I think that suicide should be banned as a subject of conversation as a whole? absolutely not. Raising awareness about suicide and helping those who are suicidal is just as important as removing it from our everyday language,
This is a massive part of desensitization that happens in our society. We don't put enough emphasis on the prevention of socially unacceptable things - such as the joking of suicide or rape. It's not okay any way that you look at it, but because it was used as a joking matter for so long without any backlash, people have started using it as a common thing, and it's lost its meaning. I believe that as a society we need to put more emphasis on the prevention of things like this in the future. Primarily on the verbal aspect of it. I don't believe that there is a such thing as a violence desensitization unless there is some extreme mental interference.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Drinking Pregnant Women May Face Charges

Women getting convicted for drinking while pregnant and causing birth defects. It seems like this argument has been sitting in a waiting line for our society's debate table, and it's not being brought to the front.
In order for this to be a valid thing, I believe that the mother's situation needs to be analyzed before any conclusion about charges can be reached. If the woman is a severe alcoholic and has no regard for a human life, not planning on actually taking care of the child or investing anything in their future, yes I believe they should be punished. Now you have to look at another possible side of the whole thing. What if the mother just was drinking a glass of wine once a week every week while she was pregnant and they were able to conclude that child's birth defect is from the alcohol? I think that if the mother is willing to take full responsibility for thew child, there's no reason to charge her on a federal level for whatever damage she will have to endure. She'll have to live with the fact that it's her fault the child is defected, and if they're going to raise the child, special expenses and medications will have to be paid for that. I believe that is enough punishment in regards to what is happening in that scenario.
Next you have the side that straight up says that running that risk is against the child's rights as a human as to how they want their life to be handled. This can have wrench thrown in the argument by saying a parent or guardian is in charge of a child's life until an adequate age is reached. So therefore, it is up to the parent by that standard. Then you open the door towards other arguments, and whether or not abortion is valid by the setting that a parent is in control of the child's life, but since it's regarding their life as a whole, it isn't fair. It's a very sticky situation, and will have to be truly decided by the ethics that we as a society deem correct.
But as a whole, the decision as to whether or not expecting mothers should be charged for drinking while impregnated depends on the future of the family and the scenario of the time period in which the drinking took place.


Tuesday, November 4, 2014

The Pope and Evolution

So the Pope has finally said that aspects of religion and science can coincide. YAY! PROGRESS!
This is such a huge step forward, and while many people will say that they've come to this conclusion already, that doesn't mean that those who don't like to think outside of the box have. Having the religious figurehead of a very populated religion finally say that the, almost opposite, side of belief can be right with a few tweaks is outstanding.
I personally don't have any concrete beliefs. I believe that the way that organized religion is in our society today is bad. Very few was you look at it make it a good thing. A lot of organized religion is still derived from the greatest con of all time, developed as such in the medieval times. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to bash on anybody's religion or faith or anything of the sorts. If we were to look at it as a whole, there are problems with it's role in our society.
The fact that religion played and still plays such a huge part in government of the US, and a lot of Europe, is problematic in my eyes. I think it's very frustrating that the national anthem has references to "God" in it, and being the "melting pot" of the world doesn't really seem to fit the fact that we seem to single out a belief as the right one. Then, the fact that religious beliefs matter in our elections is a huge red flag. It shouldn't. It should be about views and plans regarding politics of the country and the world, nothing regarding what you believe about something that is entirely out of your control. Anyone who is overly religious and puts a religious spin on everything they think and do is unfit to run a country in my honest opinion. Unless somebody can suppress religious sight in favor of the world in front of them, they shouldn't be in a place of power. This may raise some questions about the Pope and how he is in charge of a territory, and is solely a religious figurehead. This is okay, because they follow religion to a modest degree, not trying to shove it down anybody's throats (cough cough Middle East cough), and have created a society in which nobody's human rights are being jeopardized.
This recent declaration by the Pope follows whatever religious views I have in me. IF there is a god, or gods, then according to what I believe, is a domino effect. They set up the world as we know it, and anything outside of, or unaware of, and pushed a set of reactions forward, and watched in all play out. For example, if the big bang theory is correct, I believe that a god just set it up and left it from there.
So while this follows similar beliefs as the Pope's statement, it has a lot more to it. Finally people can tone back on the harassment towards one another regarding religious and scientific beliefs.

Britain has eyes to the future

So Britain has decided they need to educate younger kids about coding eh? Personally I think this is a phenomenal idea. After going through the early stages of schooling, and most of the later parts of it (that required by the United States government and 99% of every basic job), I have determined my opinion on education as we have it in our country.
It's flawed. Completely flawed, there is nothing that I can say is anywhere near perfect for our current setup. The elementary school years are very basic, as they should be. Sadly, this is also where the core of social problems start, and I could go on about that for hours in another post, but I'll save it for later. I personally think that we should integrate more arts and extra curricular things at an earlier point in life. I completely understand that it may seem like a bad idea because the performing arts is a very limited area for people in their adult lives. I understand that entirely, but I'm not saying that it should become a primary focus in a person's life that early, but there's no reason it shouldn't be integrated into schooling. By doing that, it's natural. School will always be a part of their life. Always. They will go 5 out of 7 days a week, for the next 13 years of their life in a minimum. If we can put something CREATIVE, not necessarily productive in the later parts of lives, I believe that we would be able to maintain a stable level of children not completely hating school. Most kids I know don't like school, for one reason or another, it doesn't matter. It's the fact that there is no way that we can fix that without revamping the whole system. Personally, I think we should revamp it.
The junior high/middle school period. I don't think this is necessary at all. The fact they take 2-3 years out to put you in another school to try and practice how high school is, is really dumb. "Practicing" for high school shouldn't be necessary. It should be a stereotypical practice throughout all years of basic schooling. Doing that, makes it again, a more natural thing. That way high school isn't daunting, and awful. People won't have to hate school if it's not drastically different or harder than what they've been doing for the past 9 years, and on top of that, if the whole stress of school is removed or significantly decreased, based on my suggestion (or others), then school isn't a chore.
High school. I could go on forever on every single little thing that is wrong with every single one in the country. That's not necessary, I believe with any previous changes made, we can just tweak the curriculum and alter it enough to make a difference in kid's lives.
Fixing school problems like this will open a lot of doors that were previously closed, because our population will be more diverse in how we go about various problems that arise, and eventually solving the current problems we have, making the world a better place.


Sunday, October 26, 2014

Darth Vader

Now I know what you’re thinking. “Darth Vader? What is going on?” But before you leave, this is related to the topic, I swear! A Ukrainian politician has become Darth Vader in order to win over voters. Why you might ask? Well it goes well with his ideals.

He wants to turn Ukraine into a galactic empire, and has stated that he wants to remove members of the government and replace them with computers, that would do roughly the same thing that the workers did, but without fail, and without breaks. Not only has he got the whole political campaign theme matching, he legally changed his name to Darth Vader before the campaign started. He legally is Darth Vader. “Hey Darth, how’s the family? Want to come over and have a drink?” True story. With promises to end the war in the east against the separatist rebels, and great quality recording of the Imperial March from Star Wars, he makes a compelling argument for his cause. Surrounded by storm troopers, he states that he will also return the Crimean Peninsula to Ukraine. How? A military space station of course.

This is absolutely genius in my opinion, this man has a great idea on how to get a voters attention. Sadly, he isn’t very good at selling his ideas. I believe that Darth has a good idea, on paper. While I don’t know exactly how it would play out, I don’t think that it would play out well. Regardless of that fact, he is making progress. Maybe he won’t win this election, but with refinement, I believe Darth Vader could put up a very strong fight against other political opponents. 

Judges and Abortion

It has recently come to my attention that it is possible for a young woman under the age of 18 to have an abortion without needing a parent or guardian's consent. I'm shocked that this is even a possibility, considering the state of our society when it comes to matters such as that. 

Today's society is just a mosh pit. Everyone fights about everything possible, yet our country is supposed to be founded on the basis of freedom, nothing we do seems to be anything similar to our "goals." We fight over gay rights, feminism, abortion, wars in other countries, ethics in other countries, anything that could possibly lead to a large scale argument, our kind seems to take and put an immense amount of work into making it a huge deal.

Firstly, my views on all of these topics follow a similar pattern. The largest question leading them: why do you care? Where does it affect you? 90% of the time it doesn't and the person is just trying to dictate someone else's life, regardless of their views. Let’s take an example here - gay rights. Many believe that same sex marriage is wrong. They believe that it is either against some religious idol’s teaching, or is the opposite of what nature want. Now let’s take this into perspective, why does this said homophobe care? Because it’s different, and they’re uncomfortable. I will admit, there are some homosexual couples and/or individuals who are very abrasive with their personalities, and can be a little much. That isn’t because they’re homosexual, it’s just who they are. That person would be uncomfortable to be around regardless of their sexual preference. So therefore, it doesn’t matter, you’ll have to deal with them like you would anybody else, without taking into account that they’re not heterosexual.

Abortion however has a couple of twists and turns in its debate. There are debates about ethics in this topic. Whether or not abortion is killing a human being or not, and whether or not we have the power to decide another human beings life like that without consent. While I don’t have a good solution to the problem, my views on it are pretty straightforward and apply to those who believe for and against abortion.

Don’t be overbearing about it, if it doesn’t affect you, or anyone in your family, there is absolutely no reason to harass anyone over this topic. This topic is not much different from deciding whether or not to pull the plug on a patient who relies solely on life support.  

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Even MORE ISIS events

An ISIS magazine promotes slavery, rape, and murder in their God's name.

Previously I made a statement that I believe that they're just looking for attention, and in a way I believe that this is supporting my statement, but also fights it.

First, I don't think it's fair to consider the Islamic deity, or holy spirit, the same as one in another faith, such as Christianity. With that out of the way, the fact that their religious scripture not only approves, but praises the following of inhuman actions, in my opinion requires isolation. There shouldn't be any connection between those who follow that belief valiantly, and those who have nothing to do with anything they work for or believe in.

While this does seem extreme, It seems necessary. These people are advocating rape, slavery, ethnic cleansing and sexual abuse, and are trying to force these beliefs on the rest of the world, rather violently. I still think that they are acting for attention right now, it's for a bigger idea that they have, and it's rather frustrating that it's affecting the world as much as it is. Like stated previously, I don't believe they should be killed, but rather isolated by our choice. In doing this we sustain our humanity by not killing them for their beliefs, and allow them to live their lives by their ideals, but without any connection to those who don't wish to partake in that Religion.

Topping it off, most of what ISIS is doing is nothing new, we've seen it all before and a lot of these events are happening in other parts of the world without global recognition. ISIS is just like a little kid, doing substantially worse things, unforgivable things, but doing it on small scales and to the Biggest of the big countries, and trying to get more attention out of it.

I personally am pretty pissed at ISIS because they do these things based off of religion, and I'm not personally a very religious person, and dislike those who try to make actions towards or judgement upon someone else based on their religious beliefs.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Cure for cancer.


Using a new berry that is very particular on where it grows, and only grows in North East Australia, can cure non-metastatic cancer. For those unaware, metastatic means that the cancer has grown to another part of the body, and isn't the original tumor, this berry has a 75% success rate on it's first attempt, and works with roughly 15 days.

This is phenomenal, and I hope it isn't worth and arm and a leg to create the compound out of the berry. There was a man who had discovered a completely organic insect repellent, and was completely edible to anything that wasn't an insect, but was nearly impossible to fund on a large scale because of how expensive the process to extract the substance and do whatever was necessary to perfect it to do it's intended purpose.

Sadly these tests have only been done on animals so far, and I believe they are now working on testing the aspects of the human body that could affect how the compound reacts, but it should, in theory, be almost exactly the same with the group of animals they've tested on so far.

This compound's effects are rather miraculous. It works within an extremely short time in comparison to the modern day solutions/fixes to cancer, and has such a high success rate. The only downside that I could see to this drug is the fact that it isn't able to be applied to any tumor in the body, and is restricted to a tumor accessible by direct injection, and aren't part of a metastatic chain.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Ebola is Curable (small rant)

A German scientist contracted the disease while working with WHO. He was treated and released from the hospital on Friday. Another patient who contracted Ebola in West Africa is being treated in Frankfurt. The unidentified Ugandan man who worked for an Italian aid gorup was brought there on Friday from Siierra Leone.
"As the US and the world raatchet up their humanitarian response to an outbreak President Obama has called "a threat to global security," health authorities remind AMericans that other disease that threatened to spread even more easily have been kept in check in the recent past. Massive investments in public health funding, medical research, and containment strategies have played a major role in keeping diseases including SARS, avian flue, H1N1, and Ebola from gaining serious footholds in human populations, especially in the West."
Four US health care workers diagnosed with Ebola all survived after receiving treatment in the US as well.

If we can curable, why is it such a problem. Where is the action. I understand the fact that there are a lot of patients, but if we can cure it, the death number should be reduced significantly. Actions should be taken while a prevention effort is devised. The fact that it seems like a giant game of Plague Inc. is being played with the human race right now is sickening. We have kept other disease in check, as stated above, but this is a little frustrating. You'd think we would have gotten better at this by now, and maybe taken some initiative to prevent these things from happening in lesser developed countries, instead of relying on the West to be a stronghold and pray that nothing can get past the fortress, because eventually, something will.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Half of the World's animals - GONE?!

Scientists have devised a way to accurately monitor the number of living animals on the planet right now. This new tool has been dubbed the "Living Planet Index," or LPI. It reflects the state of all 45,000 known vertebrates by analyzing 10,000 different populations, covering 3,000 species in total. The number of wild animals on Earth has halved in the past 40 years, according to this new analysis. These creatures across land, rivers and the seas are being annihilated as humans hunt them to extreme degrees, and pollute or destroy their habitats. The Zoological Society of London's director of science Ken Norris as said, "If half the animals died in London zoo next week it would be front page news, but that is happening in the great outdoors. This damage is not inevitable but a consequence of the way we choose to live." Nature was essential for human well-being. We have lost one half of the animal population and knowing this is driven by human consumption, is clearing a call to arms and humans must act, according to Mike Barratt, director of science and policy at WWF. More of earth needs to be protected from development and deforestation, while food and evergy has to be produced in a sustainable manner.

There is a lot more to this article in the later 3/4, but this is a good section that I'd like to share my thoughts on. I'm not trying to sound like one of those people that just complain about how humans are destroying nature and how we have to do something about it right this instant. That's not going to happen with how humans are, at least not on a large scale. Governments are not going to dedicate any amount of money or time to preventing ecological problems, unless it's to one-up an opposing country, or that country has no pressing matters and is fairly well off in a political and economical sense. They're too focused on war and being the best, and trying to deal with human ethics, rather than the basic "Hey, why don't we all just stop killing our planet first, then deal with trying to kill each other with nuclear weapons." While I am in no way trying to say that we should just ignore this problem, people need to realize that they can't wait for a law that says you can't throw away [insert miscellaneous item here] and then follow the rules. Humans have to take this into their own hands, spread the word and hope that their acquaintances, friends and family have the heart, and/or time to help the cause. It has to start small, and off the radar. Kind of like a revolution.

Monday, September 29, 2014

WWW in trouble?

The British inventor of the World Wide Web warned on Saturday that the freedom of the internet is under threat by governments and corporations interested in controlling the web. Tim Berners-Lee, a computer scientist who invented the web 25 years ago, called for a bill of rights that would guarantee the independence of the internet and ensure the all user's privacy. Berners-Lee said at the London "Web We Want" festival on the future of the internet: "If a company can control your access to the internet, if they can control which websites they go to, then they have tremendous control over your life." He poses a question to his audience: If a government can block you going to, for example, the opposition's political pages, then they can give you a blinkered view of reality to keep themselves in power. Governments and big companies have become aware of the temptation that controlling the internet has. Berners-Lee has called for an "internet version of the Magna Carta," in reference to basic rights and freedoms being guaranteed. 

I am so glad that the creator of the WWW has spoken to this issue. A lot of people joke constantly about how the NSA is monitoring everything we say, and comments towards them like they were reading it themselves, but the fact that the USA government actually tried to put that system in place is wrong on so many levels. The internet should not be controlled in anyway shape or form, but as Berner-Lee put it himself "some things are of course just illegal, child pornography, fraud, telling someone how to rob a bank, that's illegal before the web and it's illegal after the web." These things will always be wrong, and can be removed/punished justly. That said, in no way shape or form should anybody have any control over the internet.

A "small" rant

A 37 year old man was hung in Iran for heresy. I can't even explain how frustrated I am by this. Mohsen Amir-Aslani was found guilty of heresy and insulting prophet Jonah. According to his family he was arrested 9 years ago after having psychotherapy and also recited and gave his own interpretation of Qur'an. Authorities found his activities guilty of heresy. He was executed last week by hanging after his actions were described as 'new innovations in the religion and spreading corruption on the earth." Not only that, but he faced accusations of having sex outside marriage.

I am so upset with this, it's nearly unfathomable. A man was executed based off of his religious views. A lot of countries in the Middle East need to wake up. Religious views. Beliefs about something that nobody can even come close to proving, and they kill a man. They are impending on human rights because they don't believe in the same things. It's not like they can leave either, even if they wanted to. This is equivalent to me killing a man because he doesn't like peanut butter. Actually no, that doesn't compare equally, the man could just vomit after eating peanut butter if he dislikes it that much. That has a way to be proven and none of this does. I understand the speaking out against "prophet Jonah," but that should be a basic human right, to speak out against something they disbelieve. This would be a whole different story if this man had actually done something disorderly in honor of his beliefs, but no. This man just had some religious views and they hung him. It also makes me mad that we can't stop this without being unethical. So what are we supposed to do? Let people be killed for following basic human rights, or be unethical and try to do something about it? And can we?

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

China, the World, and Coal.

Since you were little, your parents or guardians have been talking about gas prices. Gas is always getting more expensive, and is one of the more popular forms of energy used today. Less people think about coal versus gasoline, but what’s been happening with coal lately? Well the UN has stated that there is no future in the world’s mixture of energy sources for coal. Many say that this is true, but because they believe that coal will run to a substantially smaller portion, in comparison to the amount of it today. According to the UN, neither of those is correct. China has substantially increased their production of renewable energy sources, especially wind.  The Chinese went from 70 to 200 gigawatts of wind, rivaling 2 times the amount of the entire European Union. Not only has China massively increased their renewable energy, they’re about to limit coal! China is going to ban the sale of coal in 2015. What does this mean? Well Australia has recognized China’s new leaf, and are aware of the fact that in order for anything to change in the world’s system right now, the US and India must be on board with the same ideals of significantly reducing the amount of non-renewable energy used in the world. India is already working on this, and a very large summit is being held, with more than 120 world leaders attending, in order to address just this. The UN has told the coal industry that the world’s coal reserves should be left in the ground to prevent catastrophic global warming. China has taken the largest leap of faith in their industries.

 A report says that AIR POLLUTION ALONE kills 750,000 people in china ANNUALLY. If China is willing to ban their imports, by 50 million tons, there is absolutely no reason that the US can’t do that. China has such a vice grip over this situation, it’s unbelievable. The fact we even need a summit for this is ridiculous. Some say that we will lose a lot of jobs and the economy won’t improve as much as proposed by the complete switch to renewable energy, and to that I say you have valid point. Though you have to realize, that transportation people will only have to relearn the new technology. So therefore they can still keep their jobs. More jobs will be needed for upkeep, and more of our countries money may also be put into the economy to improve it. That is, if our government can think properly. That’s for another time. Although this is an insane concept, for the worlds benefit it’s extremely smart that China has made this leap. We just have to wait and see how it plays out.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


Russia has a grand plan to solve numerous problems of the East. Overpopulation, lack of education, power problems, you name it. It seems like the only downside to this insane plan is the cost. The tower is to be an estimated $150 Billion USD, and currently is planned at 2 miles tall, and a mile across. So what's the real reason one would build a tower of this scale? Well it's said that the planet will be entirely overpopulated within the coming century. This implies that we as a species have occupied all land mass. As it currently stands, we prevent ourselves from building and destroying many natural habitats as is. So besides killing off people past the age of 45, this seems to be a valid answer. Build up. A massive part of this tower concept, is to create ecosystems in a controlled environment, in order to sustain not only human life, but animal and plant life as well. Special mirror-like windows that trap the suns rays and reflect them, as they would be experienced in the world naturally, inside. The tower isn't just going to be part greenhouse, it's also going to house large scale bodies of water, and rivers among a good portion of it. Now some people are probably thinking "okay, cool it's going to be a miniature planet, but how do you plan to link it together? To get around?" well there's an answer for that too. A train like elevator. The elevator is suppose to be a vertical high-speed train system. Comfort? Not a problem, Ultima Tower will have non-mechanical heating/ventilating and air conditioning. It will use the water within the tower to power water generators, among other built in power supplies, like windmills. That's right, windmills in the tower. Everything in the tower is going to be powered by hydrogen gas, electrical or water powered, and all heating and cooling will be regulated by the plants and trees. Oh the plants again, now you may ask "What about the rain? Plants need that too!" Yes. They do, and believe me, there's a large intricate system of how the water is handled in the tower, a portion of it will go from river to plants, or river to a sprinkler system in case of fire.
      Alright now, what are the thoughts? Is Eugene Tsui going to build the Utopia the world will most likely need? Is this going to be a spark to more Towers? Is this going to become the theme for the next Suzanne Collins book? Well if it's pulled off, and can sustain itself as well as the design says so, my answer says yes. People are always looking for the next answer to the problems to large scale for them.

Links to the articles if you'd like to read them yourselves :