Sunday, December 14, 2014

Ferguson P1

Ferguson Part 1

If you haven’t heard of what happened in Ferguson, Missouri regarding Michael Brown – you must live under a rock. I have nothing more to say about that.
So I’m going to express my views briefly here. It is in my opinion that this entire situation shouldn’t have happened, and the confrontation was purely because of race. There is no doubt in my mind at all that this is entirely because Wilson is racist. Extremely so.  Did he have the right to shoot Mike – I don’t think so, and I’ll explain my thoughts later in the post.  Was the Grand Jury’s decision right? With the evidence given to them, partially. I believe that Darren Wilson should not have gotten off basically scot-free. In no world is that the answer to a situation like this. I also don’t think that any of the attention that the media has given the whole ordeal is in the right.
“The confrontation was purely because of race.” I will stand by this statement with my life.
The previous police department that Officer Wilson worked for was disbanded from multiple instances of racial profiling.
Source :
There’s the evidence that at the very least Wilson was surrounded by racists, if he himself wasn’t also racist, which he probably was, although I cannot prove that his previous precinct caused that.
Mike wasn’t stopped because of suspect for a crime, that’s not true at all. He was stopped for jaywalking with his friend. This can be seen in the Grand Jury testimony of Darren Wilson, page 208 (link at the bottom). Let’s be real here, what cop honestly will stop someone for jaywalking. I’m 100% certain everyone in the United States has, or will, jaywalk. That is virtually undeniable; people do it all the time.  So why would Darren Wilson choose to stop Mike and his friend for jaywalking? My belief is because Wilson just wanted a reason to give Mike a hard time, or in other words: Wilson was looking to express his racism.
Grand Jury Report of the Michael Brown case:

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