Ferguson Part 3
Here I am going to simply continue supporting my opinions
and beliefs regarding the Michael Brown case in Ferguson. If you haven’t read
Part 1 and 2, please do so before reading this one.
For any of those under the impression that Brown was not
fleeing from Wilson when he was shot, Wilson confirms, on page 281 of the testimony,
that Brown WAS fleeing when receiving the fatal bullet.
For any of those who are under the impression that Brown was
attempting to take the gun when shot at least one time, the autopsy report
states that no gunpowder was present on Brown’s body. Therefore, he was not
shot at close range.
The amount of protocols broken is absolutely astounding.
Ferguson Police ignored protocol and refused to interview or
take a statement from the eyewitness present from Wilson’s initial contact with
Brown, until his death.
Forensic examiner broke protocol by failing to take crime
scene photos. On page 95 of the grand jury transcript, she claims that her
camera had died. BUT she goes on to describe how she immediately followed
Wilson to the hospital in order to photograph his “injuries.” Please, if you
haven’t seen the “injury” photos, go google them. What passes for an injury
these days according to the law is pathetic. They speak for themselves.
Then the investigators broke protocol by failing to test
Wilson’s gun for fingerprints since Wilson claims that Brown grabbed his gun
and caused it to misfire. Page 39.
THEN Wilson was allowed to break protocol by washing blood
off of himself BEFORE it could be photographed. There goes any attempt to
analyze blood spatter patterns to determine position, but I guess that isn’t important
to the situation, right?
For now, that’s all I’m going to say. I’ll most likely be
back next week with more defensive evidence for Mike Brown.