Thursday, January 15, 2015

Abortion and the many views

It has recently come to my attention that it is possible for a young woman under the age of 18 to have an abortion without needing a parent or guardian's consent. I'm shocked that this is even a possibility, considering the state of our society when it comes to matters such as that. 

Today's society is just a mosh pit. Everyone fights about everything possible, yet our country is supposed to be founded on the basis of freedom, nothing we do seems to be anything similar to our "goals." We fight over gay rights, feminism, abortion, wars in other countries, ethics in other countries, anything that could possibly lead to a large scale argument, our kind seems to take and put an immense amount of work into making it a huge deal.

Firstly, my views on all of these topics follow a similar pattern. The largest question leading them: why do you care? Where does it affect you? 90% of the time it doesn't and the person is just trying to dictate someone else's life, regardless of their views. Let’s take an example here - gay rights. Many believe that same sex marriage is wrong. They believe that it is either against some religious idol’s teaching, or is the opposite of what nature want. Now let’s take this into perspective, why does this said homophobe care? Because it’s different, and they’re uncomfortable. I will admit, there are some homosexual couples and/or individuals who are very abrasive with their personalities, and can be a little much. That isn’t because they’re homosexual, it’s just who they are. That person would be uncomfortable to be around regardless of their sexual preference. So therefore, it doesn’t matter, you’ll have to deal with them like you would anybody else, without taking into account that they’re not heterosexual.

Abortion however has a couple of twists and turns in its debate. There are debates about ethics in this topic. Whether or not abortion is killing a human being or not, and whether or not we have the power to decide another human beings life like that without consent. While I don’t have a good solution to the problem, my views on it are pretty straightforward and apply to those who believe for and against abortion.

Don’t be overbearing about it, if it doesn’t affect you, or anyone in your family, there is absolutely no reason to harass anyone over this topic. This topic is not much different from deciding whether or not to pull the plug on a patient who relies solely on life support.  

Is self expression that bad?

An Australian man is being charged a $4,000 fine for having his fence painted with rainbow colors unless it is repainted as "heritage colors."
I'm laughing with frustration right now. Not only does the office in charge of this whole fine say that they have received numerous complaints, she's lying about it. Completely. Everyone nearby the house loves it. The owner of the fence even went door to door asking opinions on his fence, and everyone said they loved it. Not just liked, but loved. He would be doing more harm than good if he repainted it. It's absolutely absurd that the government is trying to REPAINT A FENCE THAT HAS MULTIPLE COLORS. Multiple colors is their problem. It's not "heritage colors, and they have 'regulations.'"
Isn't that the base of racism?  You oppress someone because they're of a different race, or, a different color? Obviously there are some pretty core differences, but it's so stupidly extreme to think that someone would even go out of their way to remove a colored fence.
I think the worst part is that they're trying so hard to get rid of it too. They lied, and lied the complete opposite of how it actually was. If every single neighbor said that the fence was "alright, or bearable" then I could see it maybe. Not only that, but the owner is more than willing to repaint the fence if his neighbors are unhappy with it. He is willing, for the people he respects and sees as equal, to change his ways in terms of decoration. Yet this isn't good enough for the Australian government, they think that what he's doing is wrong. It makes me super sad to be completely honest, just let the man have a colorful fence. What harm is he doing?

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

ISIS video of child shooting Russian spies

Don't get me wrong here, this is absolutely terrible and awful that they have a child brainwashed to believe stuff like this, especially to such extremes. I think a key thing to remember here is - ISIS can't win in any large goal, at all whatsoever. They're simply too small of an organization, they aren't an entire country. They aren't even a well organized group, and they're reckless. Even if they wanted to do something, virtually everyone in the world would be able to retaliate twice as hard. ISIS is a little kid wanting attention, and that's what they're getting. Do I think ISIS needs to be stopped? Absolutely, they infringe human rights. Do I think that anybody is doing anything correctly about it? No.
ISIS is just like any other terrorism group, their ideals need to be completely obliterated. By ideals I mean more specifically the extremes that they sit on. Religion as it stands, is mediocre at best. It's losing its place and people are having troubles accepting that, but people should have the right to believe and practice what they want - WITHOUT infringing human rights. Based on that, some militant freak's ideals could be to just nuke every middle eastern country because of what ISIS is doing, along with previous terrorism. Should we allow that? No, but that's the same idea. You can use religion to justify both ends of it, so that's checked off the list. Some would even go as far as to say that we're teaching little kids the same "nuke everything" ideal here in the US, just like ISIS is doing that with their children. Anyway you look at it, someone can justify the same thought process somewhere else in the world. We just don't take it to the same extremes, and raise with filters. It works, and these ideals are normally not kept the entire lifespan of said child in a non terrorist-enthused environment.
Please, sit down and open your eyes,
Sincerely - the world.