Sunday, December 21, 2014

Pirate Bay is Back

I'm laughing at this honestly.You can't stop something like the Pirate Bay, let alone pirating as a thing. No matter how hard you try, it will always exist. To an extent, I don't really have a problem with pirating - especially with the reactions that people give to pirating. You can't sit there and complain that people are stealing from artists, when millions of people are throwing money at them continuously, and this money is, let's face it, outrageous. Then these artists also make money from things like Youtube and concerts and what-not. So let's be real, they don't need 100% of all analyzed profit. Now do I believe all pirating is okay? no definitely not. For example, pirating video games has it's limits in my eyes. I think it is okay should it be used as a demo for trying the game out, playing it if you don't think that you would like it, or if you can play it on your current system. I do believe that one should purchase the game afterwards though, to support the developers if you would want to see more of their content. I think similar goes for music artists, pirating a little bit of an album then buying the full thing if you enjoyed what you sampled. I have nothing against the laws opposing piracy, I don't think nearly as much effort should be put into trying to stop it. It won't work, ever. It's just like trying to take down porn from the internet. It's so pointlessly futile to even try, you could be using that money on better things, instead of trying to do something that's pointless to begin with. On that note, the government trying to control the internet was a stupid attempt too. You will never be able to stop the population from accessing the internet how they want. The best of the best will never take a side, so they wouldn't help the government, meaning that the best could easily divert the attempts to control anything on the internet. You would have to completely shut the internet off from the United States and that's probably the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Ever.
Link to story about Pirate Bay here.

Cop shoots neighbor's dog and gets off scott-free

Alright look. Bottom line, there is no proof that this dog killed the cat, so therefore no law should protect the police officer who murdered the dog. This shouldn't be a all...this man should be charged with something. He shouldn't get off at all, there's no two ways you can go about this. I understand the anger and the frustration that he and his wife may feel, but it straight up should not be a problem. It's stuff like this that gives everyone a reason to have a negative bias towards police officers, especially in light of reason events in the United States. I get it, police can be corrupt. I agree one hundred percent, but there's a cold hard truth that humans need to recognize, and it is the fact that all humans are greedy and self centered. Now you'll sit there and you'll try to argue with me that you aren't nearly as self centered or as greedy as others, and to that I say it's true. But what you can't tell me is that it doesn't exist. You could give me any example of any person's act of selflessness and/or greed, and with enough background information I will be able to prove that the person did not act in purity. It may appear that way, and one's brain may also let them think that, but the truth of the matter is that everyone is greedy and self-centered. So, now that the wake-up slap has been administered to the readers of this fine post, I will state again - cops can be corrupt. Humans are corrupt. Our corruptness is directed towards the negative end of the spectrum. I'll use this incident as an example. This police officer was set free based on a claim that has virtually no proof, and why? To avoid backlash is the most obvious reason to me. They know that they will be able to through the whole event with little to no reaction from the public. Oh would you look at that, they did. The problem with that, is that they should have their selfishness be channeled into saving themselves or their reputation, maybe even bettering it. Instead, these people are letting this officer get off free and have another tick of police corruptness be added to the chart. You'll have to look at this in a much grander karma scale to actually see why this should matter, if what I've been saying about the whole human greed and selfishness is true.
Story here.

Ferguson P4

Part 4
Here I am going to simply continue supporting my opinions and beliefs regarding the Michael Brown case in Ferguson. If you haven’t read Part 1, 2 and 3 please do so before reading this one.

Wilson's story of what happened that day changed at least 3 times. Another piece of information that has been left out was the fact that 6 eye witnesses all have identical accounts of what happened, and four of them had never met each other. These witnesses were also never interviewed by the police.
These eyewitness all agree that Darren Wilson was the aggressor and that Mike Brown was shot while surrendering, with his hands in the air and that his last words were "I don't have a gun. Stop shooting."
This is also backed up by the autopsy report, which suggests that Mike Brown would have had to be in the hands-up position for the bullets to enter his hand and arm the way  they did.

Next, in a press conference, the coroner who performed the autopsy relays that there was no trace of gun-shot residue anywhere on his body, proving that Wilson's claim that Brown grabbed his gun, causing it to misfire, is impossible and untrue.

Here's another shocking point - Ferguson Police lied about the distance Brown was from Wilson when he was killed. They reported 35 ft. but it was actually 148 ft.

For those who think that Brown was reported as having stolen cigars, the owner of the Ferguson Market stated that he did not call police to report a theft of cigars, and that the theft had nothing to do with Mike Brown. On top of that, the man on the security footage is not Mike Brown.

Finally, the thing that frustrates me more than anything - the prosecuting attorney for the case against Darren Wilson helped raise $600,000 in donations for Wilson. VERY OBVIOUS CONFLICT OF INTEREST.