Sunday, December 21, 2014

Ferguson P4

Part 4
Here I am going to simply continue supporting my opinions and beliefs regarding the Michael Brown case in Ferguson. If you haven’t read Part 1, 2 and 3 please do so before reading this one.

Wilson's story of what happened that day changed at least 3 times. Another piece of information that has been left out was the fact that 6 eye witnesses all have identical accounts of what happened, and four of them had never met each other. These witnesses were also never interviewed by the police.
These eyewitness all agree that Darren Wilson was the aggressor and that Mike Brown was shot while surrendering, with his hands in the air and that his last words were "I don't have a gun. Stop shooting."
This is also backed up by the autopsy report, which suggests that Mike Brown would have had to be in the hands-up position for the bullets to enter his hand and arm the way  they did.

Next, in a press conference, the coroner who performed the autopsy relays that there was no trace of gun-shot residue anywhere on his body, proving that Wilson's claim that Brown grabbed his gun, causing it to misfire, is impossible and untrue.

Here's another shocking point - Ferguson Police lied about the distance Brown was from Wilson when he was killed. They reported 35 ft. but it was actually 148 ft.

For those who think that Brown was reported as having stolen cigars, the owner of the Ferguson Market stated that he did not call police to report a theft of cigars, and that the theft had nothing to do with Mike Brown. On top of that, the man on the security footage is not Mike Brown.

Finally, the thing that frustrates me more than anything - the prosecuting attorney for the case against Darren Wilson helped raise $600,000 in donations for Wilson. VERY OBVIOUS CONFLICT OF INTEREST.

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