Sunday, December 21, 2014

Cop shoots neighbor's dog and gets off scott-free

Alright look. Bottom line, there is no proof that this dog killed the cat, so therefore no law should protect the police officer who murdered the dog. This shouldn't be a all...this man should be charged with something. He shouldn't get off at all, there's no two ways you can go about this. I understand the anger and the frustration that he and his wife may feel, but it straight up should not be a problem. It's stuff like this that gives everyone a reason to have a negative bias towards police officers, especially in light of reason events in the United States. I get it, police can be corrupt. I agree one hundred percent, but there's a cold hard truth that humans need to recognize, and it is the fact that all humans are greedy and self centered. Now you'll sit there and you'll try to argue with me that you aren't nearly as self centered or as greedy as others, and to that I say it's true. But what you can't tell me is that it doesn't exist. You could give me any example of any person's act of selflessness and/or greed, and with enough background information I will be able to prove that the person did not act in purity. It may appear that way, and one's brain may also let them think that, but the truth of the matter is that everyone is greedy and self-centered. So, now that the wake-up slap has been administered to the readers of this fine post, I will state again - cops can be corrupt. Humans are corrupt. Our corruptness is directed towards the negative end of the spectrum. I'll use this incident as an example. This police officer was set free based on a claim that has virtually no proof, and why? To avoid backlash is the most obvious reason to me. They know that they will be able to through the whole event with little to no reaction from the public. Oh would you look at that, they did. The problem with that, is that they should have their selfishness be channeled into saving themselves or their reputation, maybe even bettering it. Instead, these people are letting this officer get off free and have another tick of police corruptness be added to the chart. You'll have to look at this in a much grander karma scale to actually see why this should matter, if what I've been saying about the whole human greed and selfishness is true.
Story here.

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