Sunday, October 26, 2014

Darth Vader

Now I know what you’re thinking. “Darth Vader? What is going on?” But before you leave, this is related to the topic, I swear! A Ukrainian politician has become Darth Vader in order to win over voters. Why you might ask? Well it goes well with his ideals.

He wants to turn Ukraine into a galactic empire, and has stated that he wants to remove members of the government and replace them with computers, that would do roughly the same thing that the workers did, but without fail, and without breaks. Not only has he got the whole political campaign theme matching, he legally changed his name to Darth Vader before the campaign started. He legally is Darth Vader. “Hey Darth, how’s the family? Want to come over and have a drink?” True story. With promises to end the war in the east against the separatist rebels, and great quality recording of the Imperial March from Star Wars, he makes a compelling argument for his cause. Surrounded by storm troopers, he states that he will also return the Crimean Peninsula to Ukraine. How? A military space station of course.

This is absolutely genius in my opinion, this man has a great idea on how to get a voters attention. Sadly, he isn’t very good at selling his ideas. I believe that Darth has a good idea, on paper. While I don’t know exactly how it would play out, I don’t think that it would play out well. Regardless of that fact, he is making progress. Maybe he won’t win this election, but with refinement, I believe Darth Vader could put up a very strong fight against other political opponents. 

Judges and Abortion

It has recently come to my attention that it is possible for a young woman under the age of 18 to have an abortion without needing a parent or guardian's consent. I'm shocked that this is even a possibility, considering the state of our society when it comes to matters such as that. 

Today's society is just a mosh pit. Everyone fights about everything possible, yet our country is supposed to be founded on the basis of freedom, nothing we do seems to be anything similar to our "goals." We fight over gay rights, feminism, abortion, wars in other countries, ethics in other countries, anything that could possibly lead to a large scale argument, our kind seems to take and put an immense amount of work into making it a huge deal.

Firstly, my views on all of these topics follow a similar pattern. The largest question leading them: why do you care? Where does it affect you? 90% of the time it doesn't and the person is just trying to dictate someone else's life, regardless of their views. Let’s take an example here - gay rights. Many believe that same sex marriage is wrong. They believe that it is either against some religious idol’s teaching, or is the opposite of what nature want. Now let’s take this into perspective, why does this said homophobe care? Because it’s different, and they’re uncomfortable. I will admit, there are some homosexual couples and/or individuals who are very abrasive with their personalities, and can be a little much. That isn’t because they’re homosexual, it’s just who they are. That person would be uncomfortable to be around regardless of their sexual preference. So therefore, it doesn’t matter, you’ll have to deal with them like you would anybody else, without taking into account that they’re not heterosexual.

Abortion however has a couple of twists and turns in its debate. There are debates about ethics in this topic. Whether or not abortion is killing a human being or not, and whether or not we have the power to decide another human beings life like that without consent. While I don’t have a good solution to the problem, my views on it are pretty straightforward and apply to those who believe for and against abortion.

Don’t be overbearing about it, if it doesn’t affect you, or anyone in your family, there is absolutely no reason to harass anyone over this topic. This topic is not much different from deciding whether or not to pull the plug on a patient who relies solely on life support.