So it has now been stated that old worn out laptop batteries are more cost efficient in 3rd world countries.
GREAT! I love it. We can now cut down on a good portion of e-waste and save money, allowing us to spend it in on more pressing matters, such as helping said 3rd world countries out of their current predicaments. This could do more than just putting money in a better place, this could help create money sources as well. If these parts of countries are now able to join the power grid, that means that we can set up minor industrialized work places, those that can be run on minor electricity. Or now you can increase the efficiency and potential of existing businesses in these areas by using the power and money to improve their products and work rates.
It's astounding what we can recycle and find new ways to reuse, and I think that if we gave the common" person a little more opportunity to help solve things like wasted and how to improve recycling, we would get a lot more done. There are a ton of creative people out in the world, and they're already doing small things in their lives. As a society we could learn a lot from each other and use this new found creative knowledge to help benefit the world considering we're in a pretty bad global state of decay right now. Maybe more of these new creative recycling ideas will pop up and help jump start more people into helping share their ideas/practices that help with situations such as this one.
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