Monday, September 29, 2014

A "small" rant

A 37 year old man was hung in Iran for heresy. I can't even explain how frustrated I am by this. Mohsen Amir-Aslani was found guilty of heresy and insulting prophet Jonah. According to his family he was arrested 9 years ago after having psychotherapy and also recited and gave his own interpretation of Qur'an. Authorities found his activities guilty of heresy. He was executed last week by hanging after his actions were described as 'new innovations in the religion and spreading corruption on the earth." Not only that, but he faced accusations of having sex outside marriage.

I am so upset with this, it's nearly unfathomable. A man was executed based off of his religious views. A lot of countries in the Middle East need to wake up. Religious views. Beliefs about something that nobody can even come close to proving, and they kill a man. They are impending on human rights because they don't believe in the same things. It's not like they can leave either, even if they wanted to. This is equivalent to me killing a man because he doesn't like peanut butter. Actually no, that doesn't compare equally, the man could just vomit after eating peanut butter if he dislikes it that much. That has a way to be proven and none of this does. I understand the speaking out against "prophet Jonah," but that should be a basic human right, to speak out against something they disbelieve. This would be a whole different story if this man had actually done something disorderly in honor of his beliefs, but no. This man just had some religious views and they hung him. It also makes me mad that we can't stop this without being unethical. So what are we supposed to do? Let people be killed for following basic human rights, or be unethical and try to do something about it? And can we?

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